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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Reflux and astaxanthin

You probably have never heard of astaxanthin, I know I never had. After some reading I found out it is a carotenoid commonly used as a pigment to enhance the pink color of fish such as salmon and shrimp. Although I don’t eat seafood, I was intrigued: Its main health benefits are eye and skin health although it has also been linked to joint health and central nervous system health, immune system health and is said to have an antioxidant payload 500 times that of vitamin E.

New research shows that astaxanthin may have a benefit to those suffering from acid reflux syndrome. The benefits were higher in the people who also tested positive for H. pylori, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. The hypothesis is that astaxanthin, reduced oxidative stress in the stomach. With 20+% of the US population suffering from digestion disorders, we should definitely hope to see more studies on astaxanthin. I might even try it myself!

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