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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Beer and Wine Could Help Your Bones!

A new study shows that in moderation beer and wine could aid in bone density. But be careful as the benefits could be lost upon over-consumption. 1-2 drinks of beer or wine a day can help your hips and spine. Researchers will continue to look to pull the health benefits of these beverages without having the added alcohol.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chlorine Dry Out!

Now there are more great things about summer. Though swimming in chlorine can dry out your skin you can help keep a healthy glow by adding some vitamin E to your supplement regimen. So the chlorine won't get you down!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Nail Health and Vitamins

If you are swimming a lot in the summer you may find that your nails are becoming more brittle. A great way to take care of this is to make sure you are completely hydrated and are getting plenty of vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin C, and of course protein. This can be accomplished through a complete diet and of course a multivitamin.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mouthy Vitamins

I recently had my bi-yearly dental check up. The verdict: An old filling is deteriorating and I need another crown. I say “another” because, at a mere 29 years old, I have had 3 root canals, covered by 3 crowns. And I am not the only one in my family to suffer from these dental ailments. My dad received a full set of dentures at 52 years old and my younger sister has had more root canals than I have, not to mention multiple cavities filled. Which, of course, got me thinking: aren't there vitamins to help prevent these oral issues?

Vitamin A aids in the healthy formation of teeth and skin.

Calcium is involve in the building of bones and teeth. Because the jawbone is the foundation of the teeth, if that bone is not health, the rest of the mouth won't be either.

Phosphorous works hand-in-hand with calcium to make strong bones and teeth. It also helps to build tooth enamel.

Vitamin D promotes and maintains calcium absorption which is necessary to develop and maintain health teeth and bone.

Vitamin C promotes healthy teeth and gums.

Of course, brushing multiple times per day, flossing, having fluoridated water and avoiding sugar also helps to prevent tooth decay. As for me, I am going to blame genetics.

-Community Assistant

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer Berries - Tasty and Good for You!

In the summer the first thing I want to do is start eating all the delicious berries that are in season. They are a better alternative than chips and ice cream. What I never realized is that I never get those nasty colds in the summer because I am taking in more vitamins in my diet. Berries contain a lot of vitamin C and lutein. Lutein is essential for eye health and also helps to improve skin, nails and hair. So maybe that summer glow has more to do with a change in our seasonal diets than we thought!