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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Canker Sores and Vitamins

Well if you are anything like me, summer becomes synonymous with fruit and lemonade and all sorts of acid-filled treats. This can also lead to very painful canker sores within your mouth. Turns out taking a multi-vitamin may help to reduce the time spent with canker sores as well as help prevent you from getting them. Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C and Omega-3 will all help! So go ahead and reach for more salsa with extra jalapenos!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I can’t deny that a good Billy Mays ad doesn’t draw me in, because there is really no invention he is hawking that I don’t need. So it should come as no surprise for someone like me to be drawn into the world of cosmeceuticals. It is a wonderful world where cosmetology and pharmaceuticals come together to make you the most beautiful you possible. But as it turns out, it may not be a sham. There are actually vitamins and antioxidants that are being researched to prove their effects on certain aspects. I myself am addicted to the idea of anti-cellulite and wrinkle creams.

- Katherine

Vitamin D

If you are pale like me and crave the vitamin D that the sun naturally provides then you are probably already sunburned. The sun comes out and we automatically overdo it. One important thing to note is to look at the expiration date of your sunscreen (because, yes, it expires!) There are also some vitamins you can take that will keep you from being as susceptible to the sun’s harmful UV rays such as omega-3, C, E, and B3. Increasing your anti-oxidants will also help to protect you. So don’t forget your vitamins, sunscreen, and of course those killer sunglasses!

- Katherine

Sleep Easy

If you are anything like me you have a hard time sleeping in the summer. The days are longer and there is more to do. All that running around gets your blood going and before you know it your sleep goes from 8 hours a night to 5. So you reach for a caffeine drink or energy supplement. But what if instead you got better sleep? Melatonin is a great vitamin that can help you relax and rest at the end of the day. You can buy it over the counter and it has a low risk of dependency. It is great for getting some rest when you are ready.