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Friday, June 20, 2008

Vitamin Basics: Lesson #1

In my first blog about vitamins, I want to go back to the basics. Let’s cover a couple “elementary” questions about vitamins.

Why should you take vitamins?
Vitamins are essential to the everyday functions of your body. Your body cannot make vitamins and therefore you must get it from the diet or in dietary supplements.

If I eat a healthy diet do I still need to take vitamins?
A daily multivitamin can protect your body against dietary imbalances or different nutritional needs your body may need at various times. In addition, studies have shown that taking vitamins above the minimum requirements of just a daily multivitamin can help maintain heart, liver and eye health, among other major health concerns. Some examples of these
include omega-3 for the heart, antioxidants for the eyes, and milk thistle for the liver.

I look forward to blogging with those of you who are interested in vitamin health. I plan to focus on the latest vitamin news, specific health concerns and what vitamins may be beneficial and overall health (nutrition, exercise, etc.). Enjoy the Vitamin Learning blog!

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