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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vitamin D

If you are pale like me and crave the vitamin D that the sun naturally provides then you are probably already sunburned. The sun comes out and we automatically overdo it. One important thing to note is to look at the expiration date of your sunscreen (because, yes, it expires!) There are also some vitamins you can take that will keep you from being as susceptible to the sun’s harmful UV rays such as omega-3, C, E, and B3. Increasing your anti-oxidants will also help to protect you. So don’t forget your vitamins, sunscreen, and of course those killer sunglasses!

- Katherine

1 comment:

mbarnes said...

anyone worried about cancer should know the data on vitamin D and cancer prevention.. Take a look at the site vitaminD3world for some good summaries. The site also offers a good newsletter and recently launched a new micro pill formulation of vitamin D, and offers 400 micro pills at a very good price.