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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Seeds and Health Benefits

You are probably getting ready to toast up pumpkin seeds after carving a scary or happy face into your pumpkin. Or if you are anything like me, you have carved an elementary pumpkin face and your boyfriend is carving a masterpiece of The Death Star from Star Wars. Either way, there is something you should know about pumpkin seeds. It's not just a tasty tradition to roast them they also have some significant health benefits, such as protection for men's bones, promoting prostate health, and anti-inflammatory benefits for arthritis. Pumpkin seeds also possess phytosterols which help to lower cholesterol.

To most of us you can just toast the seeds and eat them once a year, however since they are so good for you here a few ideas to keep them in your diet all year. Toast them and put them on a salad, add them to a vegetable medley, put them in your hot or cold cereal, or grind them up and add them to your burger meat.

So go ahead and toast your pumpkin seeds and don't listen to anyone who claims they aren't tasty, because they are delicious! Even dogs like the delightful taste of pumpkin products.

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