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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Seasonal Nuts And Health Benefits

During the holiday season it becomes difficult to get the amount of treats you want without all the fat and sodium you don't. A few spices that you can use to keep taste and add a few health benefits to your treats are listed below. Enjoy!

Ginger can stay for 60 days (after peeled) in a ziplock bagged if refrigerated. Ginger is known to reduce inflammation that is associated with arthritis and muscle pain as well as reduce nausea.

Allspice is a blend of many different spices which includes both pepper and cloves which may alleviate muscle pain and relieve toothaches and digestion issues.

Cinnamon is always a beloved treat to add natural sweetness to any food! But did you know it may also hep control blood sugar levels? Fresh ground cinnamon smells delicious, too!

And for all those cranky relatives that you would rather do without during the holiday season add a little nutmeg to their eggnog. Nutmeg has been shown to boost moods in animal studies.

Be sure to keep your protein intake high and your fat intake low to decrease your risk of heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. Make the most of this holiday season!

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