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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monitor Your Eye Health

Myself, like most people, sit at a computer 8 or so hours a day. Then, I go home, probably my check my e-mail, maybe log on to Facebook and then watch TV. By the end of the day my eyes, not to mention the rest of me, is exhausted!

Lutein, a nutrient found in various foods including green leafy vegetables and egg yolk, has a history in the dietary supplement market as a nutrient to reduce the risk of age related macular degeneration (AMD). A new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, noted improvements in the sensitivity to contrast on a computer monitor in subjects taking lutein. 37 healthy subjects were between the ages of 22 and 30, with long-term computer display light exposure, were studied. The subjects were observed following 12 weeks of lutein supplementation. There was a trend towards improved visual acuity and measures of contrast sensitivity in the subjects taking lutein verse the placebo group. “A higher intake of lutein may have beneficial effects on the visual performance,” wrote the researchers from Peking University.

Lutein may also increased skin hydration and elasticity. Keep your eye out for news about lutein, as more and more benefits are being recongnized in this supplement.

-Community Assistant

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