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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fashion Week & Women's Health

Viactiv is helping to promote vitamins and women's health in a very unique way! Vitactiv brand, known for their flavored calcium and multivitamin chews targeted at women, is partnering with Verrier, an upscale fashion line, during fashion week. Together they will be giving out a "Fashion Week Survival Kit" to launch Viactiv's "Style and Strength for Life" campaign. This campaign promotes women's health and the importance of multivitamins and calcium in their daily routine. Not only is this a unique campaign, I think it is a great way to create awareness for women about multivitamins and calcium.

Multivitamins are important to supplement the diet and make sure you are getting nutrients that you need every day. Most multivitamins don't provide the amount of calcium women need. It is recommended that women in the early 20s start to take calcium to keep up their bones health. By the time women reach menopause bone loss accelerates tremendously.

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