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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Vitamins & Energy

Although we are in the “lazy days of summer” I have been feeling extra tired lately, and I can’t blame it on the beautiful weather we are having. I have been sleeping plenty, exercising regularly and drinking lots of water. Something I have not been doing, however, is taking my multivitamin. I ran out a few months ago and just haven’t replenished, but could not taking that one supplement a day really affect me that much? The answer is yes. The lack of a few key vitamins can upset the body’s internal balance and block metabolic reactions. In the past I have been anemic and I know from personal experience that a supplement that is helpful in maximizing energy levels is the mineral Iron. Iron is necessary to the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in red blood cells. When iron levels in hemoglobin get low, a person feels tired and lacks energy to do everyday tasks due to lack of oxygen delivery to organs and tissues.
One of the best vitamins for energy are the B Vitamins, essential in facilitating the metabolic process. They breakdown carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which provided energy, aid in the function of the nervous and immune systems, maintain muscle tone, healthy skin, hair and eyes. Vitamins, B1, B2, B6, B9 and the most popular B12 can also help combat the symptoms and causes of stress and depressions. If you look for a B Vitamin for extra energy look for a bottle that says "B Complex" and includes all of the vitamins mentioned above. I have recently seen a host of vitamin enhanced drinks boasting their vitamin B levels. Vitamin B is water soluble and carried out of the body every day, so taking a daily multi vitamin is the best way to keep up on vitamin B intake and hopefully help keep me feeling rested. - Community Assistant

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