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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vitamin B & Beer

This blog article is dedicated to my husband, the beer drinker. My husband tells me all the time that having one beer a day is healthy for him. He sends me articles whenever he can find them about how it is good for his heart, his stress, whatever "benefit" he can stumble upon.
This time, I've stumbled upon a little known fact that I know he is going to love.

I've blogged before about a lack of energy potentially being caused by vitamin B deficiency. Vitamin B helps to provide energy, enhance your memory, help with joint mobility and more. Vitamin B can be found in potatoes, bananas, lentils, chilli, peppers, turkey, etc. In addition, according to homeopathic physician Karen DeNoble, a good source of vitamin B is also... BEER!
Brewer's yeast, used for making beer, is a good source of Vitamin B.
...I guess my husband is right. Beer may be good for you after all.
*Please don't drink if you are under 21. Please drink in moderation.

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