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Friday, August 29, 2008

That's Just Nuts!

As a child I refused to eat anything with nuts. Not candy bars, fudge, ice cream or the mixed nuts my family always bought from the Boy Scouts. As I get older I found that I actually like almonds! Almonds contain vitamin E and are free from cholesterol and mono-saturated fat. They can actually help lower LDL cholesterol, making them appealing to food manufacturers catering to nutritionally-aware consumers.

In keeping with these health benefits, almonds are increasingly being included in energy bars and cereals, according to the Almond Board of California. These high-growth almond cereals appeal to the natural and organic segment of the market, almost doubling the number of new almond products from 2003-2007. Initiatives such as MyPyramid show nuts as important for a healthy, balanced diet.

The sweet almond contains practically no carbohydrates and may therefore be made into flour for cakes and cookies for low carbohydrate diets or for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Almonds can be processed into almond milk. This dairy free, soy-free choice appeals to lactose intolerant people, vegetarians and vegans. Other studies claim almonds can help improve complexion, improve movement of food through the colon and help prevent cancer. Recent studies have shown that almond may have anti-inflammatory, immunity boosting, and liver health effects and that they are very high in Omega-3.

Almonds is a tasty source to help you get your vitamin E and omega-3! Now I have a few good reasons to eat an Almond Joy!
-Community Assistant

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