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Thursday, August 7, 2008

What to do about....Depression.

Nowadays it is a pretty common thing for people who are depressed to be on drugs, such as antidepressants. Over the past couple years I have had friends go through different hard experiences in their lives from losing a loved one to moving across the world from their family. They have trouble thinking, eating, and sleeping, but really don't want to be on a drug. After doing some research and speaking with physicians, I found that there are natural supplements that may be able to help (although you may want to consult your doctor first).

St. John's Wort is an herb that is said to help with depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. St. John's Wort comes from a plant that can be found growing wild in meadows in both American and Europe. You can by St. Jon's Wort over the counter. It may take a couple weeks to really make a difference but could be worth the wait.

Another supplement that is new in the research for depression are omega-3 supplements, which also has many benefits as well for other areas of your body, such as your heart.

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